Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Climbing an Arch

In southern Utah some years back my good friend OH started climbing a huge, beautiful sandstone arch much like this one. He was climbing steps, now weather worn and smooth, carved in ancient times by the long missing Anasazi.

OH climbed up several feet before realizing his exposure. If he fell one way, he would fall 75 feet. If he fell another way, he would fall 2,000. He may have made it to the top of the arch but the steps were fading and the climbing more difficult. If he made it to the top, what would he do then?

Downclimbing rock is much more difficult than climbing up. It is an art known or studied by few. Climbing up is so much easier and fun.

When we who were watching realized the dangerous predicament OH was in our hearts stopped.

We watched or averted our eyes as OH slowly crept backward trying to find footholds.

OH finally was able to scramble to us. What a relief.

The feeling remains.

The story makes for a great analogy. A dangerous predicament of one's own making but with few options.

You've climbed up high not fully realizing the danger you were in. You may continue. You may make it to the top but you may never get down. You could turn back now, but will you make it down?

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